Saturday, September 26, 2009


Dear friends and followers:
I am not sure what my excuse is for not being here the past couple weeks...Could be the heat, or the fact that after all my vacations I am now on a diet of not so exciting food. Or that my Diva Mom and I have taken up spinning class and it has tortured me into a non creative stupor...

What ever it is I am sorry that I have been slacking and I hope to be back at it soon! Please don't give up on me yet, soon it will be time for good food and fun. That is if the Temperatures outside could ever stay under 100 degrees, and the scale starts to cooperate with me.

See you soon!

The Wino

1 comment:

  1. I miss you, Wino! Please don't spin and diet yourself into oblivion! LOL

    Here's hoping your temps have taken a dive ... ours sure have these last two weeks. Love it!
